910 World Suicide Prevention Day Campaign

World Suicide Prevention Day Fundraising Campaign

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

  • Raised: $750
  • Goal: $1000
4 Donors
Never Say Die

  • Raised: $300
  • Goal: $10000
2 Donors
Happiness is Here and Now

We are never alone, we are never apart. We are light, together we are whole.

  • Raised: $0
  • Goal: $1111
0 Donors

一同為更多人能得到「聆聽、同行、關愛、成長」的支援,營造一個尊重生命的健康社會而努力。 Let’s work together to let more people to receive the support of "Listen, Company, Care, Grow", in order to create a healthy society which people respect life.

  • Raised: $3200
  • Goal: $50000
4 Donors