
Movember Morning Drive 2024

The sobering truth is, our city is still confronted with alarming suicide rates. Hong Kong's year-to-date suicide deaths as of September have reached 652 cases - a 5.7% increase compared to the same period in 2023. Recent data also reveals male suicide deaths rose from 62.2% to 66.8% between 2022 and 2024. Acknowledging Movember, we hope this morning drive serves as a means to unwind as well as to raise funds for the vulnerable and distressed. Hence we’ve decided to support The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (SBHK), a local non-government voluntary agency that provides counselling services to those in need. *Data extracted from the Hong Kong Suicide Press Database. More available at: https://hkspd.siuyeong.com 很遺憾,統計數據反映香港自殺問題依舊未見改善。 截至2024年9月,今年迄今自殺身亡案例多達652宗,比去年同期增長5.7%。男性於男女自殺身亡比例中亦從2022年的62.2%攀升至現時的66.8%,情況令人擔憂。 為響應「十一鬍子月」(Movember) ,我們希望通過舉辦Morning Drive活動讓各位享受駕駛樂趣,舒緩情緒壓力,同時為香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會(SBHK)籌款,支持機構為有需要人士提供專業心理及情緒支援服務。 *資料取自香港自殺報道資料庫。詳情請前往https://hkspd.siuyeong.com

  • 已籌得: $0
  • 目標: $1
0 捐款者
Gabriel Yeung 楊嘉驃

大家好,我是Gabriel 楊嘉驃。近日多名青少年輕生,我希望為香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會籌款。希望大家多多支持,萬分感謝。 為答謝大家支持,12月9號或之前捐款$100或以上,我會自資印刷費及郵費(只限本地郵寄),將印上我手繪圖案的明信片寄到你手上。(鳴謝好友設計) Hello, this is Gabriel Yeung. Since teenager suicide rate has been rising, I would like to raise fund for The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you so much! To express my gratitude for your support, if you make a donation of $100 or more before 9th December, I will cover the printing and postage costs (local postage only) to send you a postcard featuring my hand-drawn graphic. (Special thanks to my friend for the design)

  • 已籌得: $209808
  • 目標: $10000
322 捐款者
Sports promotion for mental health

Patient recovery

  • 已籌得: $50
  • 目標: $1000000
1 捐款者
To Commemorate the Life of Patrick Blaauw

This site has been set up for donations to commemorate Pat's life. We hope that by doing this we will enable Hong Kong people to reach out for help.

  • 已籌得: $45000
  • 目標: $10000
18 捐款者


  • 已籌得: $0
  • 目標: $100000
0 捐款者
Johnathan 9th month Birthday

Wish everyone stay healthy and happy

  • 已籌得: $1000
  • 目標: $2000
2 捐款者

大部份女士時常會為著自己的體重而感到非常困擾,減肥更是她們的終身事業,我也不例外。 但眼見現在的社會問題,疫情的反覆,及經濟低迷情況而衍生的情緒困擾及自殺問題,體重這些只是微不足道的事宜。 情緒受困擾的朋友非常需要適時及專業的情緒輔導才能走出困境,香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會60年來為香港人服務,提供24小時情緒支援熱線聆聽求助者訴說內心的痛苦各困擾,助他們克服情緒困擾,面對問題。 今次活動,我希望在一個月內減5-10磅,請大家捐款支持我的行動,所得款項會捐予香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會以支持他們防止自殺及生命教育工作。

  • 已籌得: $10
  • 目標: $5000
1 捐款者
Luffy 9 歲生日

Luffy 就嚟 9 歲生日喇,今年 Luffy 生日不要禮物,希望各位愛 Luffy 嘅朋友仔,可愛以捐款代替送俾佢嘅生日禮物啦!

  • 已籌得: $10
  • 目標: $1000
1 捐款者